Message from ISBE on Coronavirus COVID-19
发布时间: 2020-06-16 13:04  点击:6342

The COVID-19 pandemic is a unique challenge that has impacted many members of the ISBE family. We would like to express our concern and support for all the members of the ISBE community, our staff, our families and all others affected by this outbreak.

Governments around the world have issued restrictions on travel, gatherings, and meetings in an effort to limit and slow the spread of the virus. The health and safety of the ISBE members is our first priority and ISBE is supporting these efforts.

Following the advice of local authorities,most ISBE conferences and meetings have already been postponed or replaced with virtual meetings.

ISBE publications continue to accept submissions and publish impactful cuttingedge research. Our online publications remain available to researchers around the world. 

We know that many of you are directly and indirectly engaged in the fight against this disease. We are grateful for your work.

We extend our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all of our ISBE members for your understanding. These are difficult times, but we will get through them by working together.

Please stay safe and well.

Office of Secretariat, ISBE

Address: C508 Dingxin Building, Jilin University, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
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