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Post: 2015-09-07 02:05  View:6148


Call for Papers

Share your latest achievements in research, technology and new applications with leading-edge experts at
Symposium O

Mining Smartness from Nature:
From Bioinspired Materials to Bionic Systems

of the

5th International Conference
Smart and Multifunctional Materials, Structures and Systems

June 5-9, 2016, Perugia, Italy


Novel and efficient materials, structures, tools, mechanisms and processes have already resulted from adapting mechanisms and capabilities from nature and more may be envisaged for the near future because of the increased understanding of the biological world, the capability to manage matter down to the atomic scale, the development of novel algorithms and theories, and the exponentially increasing power for computation and multi-scale simulation of processes, materials, structures and whole systems. Objective of this symposium, that follows the ones on the same subject held at previous CIMTEC Conferences, is to merge biological information with materials science, engineering and medical sciences at the purpose of exploring new ideas and accomplishments for the practice of bio-inspired design to gather momentum and offer innovative solutions.


Abstract deadline: October 15, 2015

Submit your Abstract

Only one abstract may be submitted by the same Presenting Author

CIMTEC 2016 will gather together a large and qualified audience of materials scientists, physicists, chemists, biologists, physicians and engineers, as well as experts of a wide range of the most advanced and demanding research and application areas of smart materials and related technologies. On the top of this premier event in materials, the Umbria region will offer its wonderful landscape and its immense, unique artistic heritage!


Learn more about CIMTEC Conferences

Address: C508 Dingxin Building, Jilin University, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
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