The 12th Plenary Meeting of “ISO/TC 266 Biomimetics” was held
Post: 2022-10-31 09:04  View:4673

The 12th Plenary Meeting of ISO/TC 266 Biomimetics (TC: technical committee), the 6th Chairman's Advisory Group Meeting, and the 11th WG4 Working Group Meeting were successfully held online from October 19 to 21, 2022. The series of meetings were jointly organized by Jilin University and the Beijing Research Institute of Automation for Machinery Industry CO., LTD. Around 30 biomimetic experts from China, Germany, UK, Japan, South Korea, and other member countries attended the meetings.

1-New.jpgThe chairman of ISO/TC 266 Biomimetics, Prof. Zhihui Zhang, who is also the General Secretary of the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE), attended the whole agenda of the meetings, hosted the plenary meeting and gave a presentation entitled "Suggestions for the Standardization of ISO/TC 266” at the plenary meeting. Based on Chairman Zhang’s report, experts actively discussed important issues on “whether to expand the scope of ISO/TC 266, how to attract more enterprises to participate in the development of TC 266 and the establishment of relevant standards, the future development direction of biomimetic standardization, how to carry out cooperation with other TCs in frontier fields, how to modify the strategic business plan (SBP) ”, etc. 


Dr. Xiugong Qin, the Committee Manager of ISO/TC 266, from the Beijing Research Institute of Automation for Machinery Industry CO., LTD, delivered a work report on behalf of the ISO/TC266 Secretariat, focusing on the last year’s work of TC 266 and the future work of the secretariat; Dr. Laura Mathew, the Technical Program Manager of the ISO Central Committee, gave a detailed report on the changes and updates of ISO/IEC Directives for 2022; Dr. Olaf Rehme, the convenor of the Chairman's Advisory Group (CAG) and Prof. Ryo Kohsaka, the convenor of the WG4 Working Group, respectively gave reports summarizing the agenda discussed on the CAG and WG4 this year’s working group meetings and future plans. Dr. Annenieke Venemans, Dr. Sekiya Mizuki, and Prof. Eberhard K. Seifert expectively from TC 266 for Liaison organization TC 35, TC 150, TC 207, and TC 229, made their introductions on current development status of relevant TCs. 

In the discussion section, the renowned biologist Prof. Julian Vincent and many other experts actively participated in and gave their comments on relevant issues. 


During the plenary meeting, nearly 20 agenda items were reported and discussed.  

Some researchers from Jilin University and the Beijing Research Institute of Automation for Machinery Industry CO., LTD attended the meetings.

Address: C508 Dingxin Building, Jilin University, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
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