Welcome to get involved in ISO/TC 266 Biomimetics
Post: 2023-08-03 11:33  View:2020

The role of ISO

ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organization with a membership of 168 national standards bodies. The principal deliverable of ISO is the International Standard, which is developed through ISO Technical Committee (ISO/TC), representative of all interested parties. 

About ISO/TC 266 Biomimetics

(1)  Scope

Standardization in the field of biomimetics that includes but is not limited to methods and technologies in biomimetics such as biomimetic materials, processes and products, incorporating the most recent results of R&D projects.

Classification, definition and development of terminology in the field of biomimetics.

Description of the potentials and limitations of biomimetics as an innovation system or a sustainability strategy.

Description and standardization of methods in biomimetics, biomimetic materials, processes and products throughout their entire lifecycle.

(2)  Participating countries

Participating Members: China, Germany, Japan, Korea, United Kingdom

Observing Members: Argentina, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Honduras, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China, India,  Iran, Ireland, Israel, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Sweden, Thailand

(3)  Published standards

ISO 18457:2016 Biomimetics — Biomimetic materials, structures and components

ISO 18458:2015 Biomimetics — Terminology, concepts and methodology

ISO 18459:2015 Biomimetics — Biomimetic structural optimization

ISO/TR 23845:2020 Biomimetics — Ontology-Enhanced Thesaurus (OET) for biomimetics

ISO/TR 23846:2022 Biomimetics — Image search engine

ISO/TR 23847:2022 Biomimetics — Integrating problem- and function-oriented approaches applying the TRIZ method

(4)  Future plan

Further ISO-standards might be developed regarding biomimetic surfaces, biomimetic manufacturing, testing and optimization technologies.

Next plenary meeting: the 13th plenary meeting of ISO/TC 266 will be held on 2023-10-20 virtually. For further information, please contact the secretariat. 

Benefits expected from the development of International Standards in Biomimetics


Standards in biomimetics give academia a common language and terminology for education and collaboration on research.


ISO-standards in biomimetics allows industries to integrate biomimetic methods into their product and process design routes, resulting in an expanded product development portfolio and new products for the market, without having to fear non-acceptance by customers.


Standardization will help increase the acceptance of biomimetic products and approaches such that a wider recognition of the field Hence, customers can be sure that products advertised as biomimetic are indeed such.


The development of standards in biomimetics will be a major contribution towards developing functional adaptive, resource- and energy-efficient applications including materials, structures and components that are safe for humans and the environment. 

Welcome to get involved in ISO/TC 266 Biomimetics

Welcome the involvement of experts from the academic world and the industrial sector.

Standards are developed by the people who need them – that could mean you. If you want to develop future standards in biomimetics, communicate with peers in biomimetics, or if you want your own bionics innovations (materials, products, methods, technologies, etc.) to be recognized by the public and expand market share, please contact us at


ISO/TC 266 – Secretariat responsible unit

Beijing Research Institute of Automation for Machinery Industry Co., Ltd [China]
Address: No.1 Jiao Chang Kou De Sheng Men Wai, Xicheng District, Beijing 100120, China
Tel: 010-82285784
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Address: C508 Dingxin Building, Jilin University, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
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