The 1st ISBE International Online Lecture was successfully held
Post: 2023-07-12 20:52  View:3434

On July 6th, the 1st ISBE International Online Lecture was successfully held via Zoom conference platform. Prof. Walter Federle from University of Cambridge was invited to share his research experience in the field of adhesive biomechanics with the topic of “Inspiration from slippery surfaces and sticky feet: Biomechanics of insect adhesion”. The lecture was hosted by Prof. Zhendong Dai from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Prof. Thomas Stegmaier, the President of the ISBE, and Prof. Zhihui Zhang, the General Secretary of the ISBE, participated in the event.

Prof. Federle is an expert in comparative biomechanics at the Department of Zoology at the University of Cambridge, focusing on the study of biomechanics and adhesion mechanisms. In the lecture, Prof. Federle gave a detailed introduction to the mechanical adaptations of insects and plants, with a focus on the adhesion and detachment mechanisms of insects during locomotion, the slippery mechanism of pitcher plants, and engineering applications inspired by biomimetic strategies including monopedal jumping robots, biomimetic insect-repellent paints, and slippery liquid-infused porous surface.



The lecture had attracted more than 150 scholars and graduates from several countries, including the UK, Germany, Austria, Pakistan, Iran, Singapore, China, etc., discussing on the mechanical adaptations of plants and insects. The biomimetic strategy of Prof. Federle from life inspiration to technological application would be greatly beneficial to expand the research ideas of the attendees.


The International online lecture is a new series of activity of ISBE which will continually build international academic exchange platforms for members together with the ISBE Online Academic Forum on "Frontiers in Bionic Engineering".

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