Membership Information

ISBE membership is open to those who have manifested a continuous interest in any discipline important to bionic engineering research as evidenced by work in the field, original contributions and attendance at meetings concerning bionic engineering research. 

Classes of Members

There are two classes of Members: Individual Members and Corporate Members.

Individual Members shall be those people who are in accord with the enrollment qualifications; they encompass of Student Members, Ordinary Members, and Fellow Members.

a. Student Members should be undergraduates and graduates who are interested in the activities of the Society.

b. Ordinary Members are Scholars or other Social members who are interested in the Bionic Engineering researches.

c. Fellow Members may be elected by the Board of Directors of the Society from amongst those persons who have distinguished themselves in the field of Bionic Engineering Research, or who have contributed outstanding service to the Society.

Corporate Members are Educational, Scientific, or Industrial Organizations who may choose to express their interest in the development or application of Bionic Engineering through this method. Corporate Members include Organizational Members and Enterprise Members.

a. Organizational Membership:

Government Departments—all interested institutions

Universities and Research Institutes

International, Regional and National Societies and NGOs

b. Enterprise Membership—companies contributing to the objectives of the ISBE 

Membership Conditions

(a) Individual Members should be:

Supporters of the Society’s Statutes.

Engineers or Scientists who are actively engaged in the research or application of research concerning Bionic Engineering and associated fields; other persons who have been working on the research or application of research concerning Bionic Engineering and associated fields.

Persons who have made outstanding accomplishments in other fields and agree with the purposes of the Society.

(b) Corporate Members

1. The Corporate Members should be those who are engaged in the works of Bionic Engineering and are able to exemplify the scientific research papers, research patents, research projects or products which are representative in the field of Bionic Engineering.

2. Each Corporate Member should have no less than three Individual Members.

3. Each Corporate Member is entitled to three representatives, each of whom must meet the requirements of Individual Members as a condition precedent to the representation and each of whom shall hold such representation in his/her individual name. 

Enrollment Programs

1. A person or organization should submit the application form to the office of secretariat;

2. The General Secretary will verify the qualification for membership.

3. The Corporate Members will be approved by the Executive Board of Directors.

4. ISBE Secretariat is responsible for issuing the Membership Certificates. 

Rights and Privileges of Members

1. Members of all classes are entitled to attend all business and other meetings of the Society except for meetings of the Board of Directors.

2. Voting on all business of the Society is restricted to Ordinary Members, Fellow Members and affiliated individuals representing Corporate Members. 

3. Individual membership is not transferable or inherited. It is granted only to members themselves. Corporate Members cannot be transferred, but the corporate members can be replaced by the other representatives. The new representative member should be eligible for individual membership.

4. It is voluntary for members to join in and withdrawal the society. 

In addition to the above rights, Corporate Members also enjoy the following benefits and services provided by the Society.

a) Hosting meetings and events with priority organized by ISBE. 

b) The opportunity to receive the awards presented by ISBE.

c) Cooperating members enjoy the privilege of nominating three individual members to have their membership dues waived.

d) Popularization and promotion at ISBE meetings, websites and newsletters.

e) The society will provide the service on talent recommendation and information requirements. 

5. Members who fail to pay their dues are not eligible for the above rights and benefits.

Members Obligation

Members should execute decisions of the Society, maintain legal rights and interests, and complete the work assigned and provide relevant information. 

Membership dues

(a)The annual dues of Individual Members is $30 per year. Members may pay their membership dues for one to five years each time.

(b) The annual dues of corporate membership is $300 per year, for enterprise members, the annual dues is $450. 

Bank Account Information

Members can pay the membership dues or donate to ISBE through banking system. The information on bank transfer is set out as below:










Warmly welcome all the researchers and scholars in the field of Bionic Engineering to join and support ISBE. If you would like to be a member of the society, please fill in the application forms and send it to ISBE Secretariat.

Download the ISBE membership application. Fax or send completed application to ISBE Secretariat (  

Address: C508 Dingxin Building, Jilin University, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
Copyright © 2025 International Society of Bionic Engineering All Rights Reserved