Fellow Membership Regulation
Post: 2014-11-21 15:22  View:5123

Fellow Membership Regulation-International Society of Bionic Engineering

Item 1. We wish to advance the membership system of the International Society of Bionic Engineering (ISBE). We shall highlight the role of individual members in the development of bionic engineering. Therefore this regulation is formulated in terms of the Statutes of the ISBE.

Item 2. The membership level of "Fellow" denotes a member who has made an outstanding contribution to Bionic Engineering. Such a person can be nominated as a Fellow of the ISBE (FMISBE).

Item 3. The number of Fellow Members shall account for no more than 3 percent (3%) of the total of Individual Ordinary Members.

Item 4. Nomination of a candidate for the award of Fellow.

(1) A candidate for Fellowship must have two (2) Nominators.

(2) The candidate will have been members of ISBE for at least three years.

(3) The candidate will have promoted the development of bionic engineering and shall have contributed significantly to the advancement or application of bionic engineering.  

(4) The candidate will have taken an active role in the activities of the ISBE and will have made significant contributions to the development of the ISBE.

Item 5. There are two routes for nomination for Fellowship of the ISBE: (a) the candidate can nominate his/her self; (b) the candidate can be nominated by others. Nominations by either route shall be examined for approval by the Board of Directors of the ISBE.

(1) Self-nomination:

Any Ordinary Member is eligible to nominate themselves for Fellowship of the ISBE, and must have two (2) supporting nominators. The Member shall submit the Fellowship Application Form to the Office of the ISBE Secretariat. The ISBE Secretariat will submit the Form to the Board of Directors after checking.

(2) Nomination by others:

Three (3) Ordinary Members of the ISBE are may recommend a candidate for Fellowship. The ISBE Secretariat shall check their materials and then submit the materials to the Board of Directors.

(3) Evaluation:

The Board of Directors is in charge of evaluating. The Fellowship candidate may be asked to attend for interview. The interviewing board shall be composed of one of the Nominators, a member of the Directors or Secretariat of the ISBE, and an Ordinary Member of the ISBE. The final decision will be announced on the official website and Newsletter of the ISBE. The ISBE Secretariat will present the Certificate of Fellowship to the successful candidate. The award of Fellowship of the ISBE is valid for the lifetime of the recipient.

Item 6. If any of the following cases occurs, the Executive Board of Directors has the right to rescind, repeal or bar the award of Fellowship of the ISBE.

(1) Evidence of a custodial criminal record;

(2) Surrendering the qualification of Fellow Members;

(3) Other circumstances which shall be determined from time to time by the Executive Board of Directors of the ISBE.

Address: C508 Dingxin Building, Jilin University, 2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun 130012, P. R. China
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